I have read a wonderful book called “The Power of Divine Eros” by A H Almaas and Karen Johnson. At the end of each chapter are questions, which I have written the answers to and share with you here:


How do I experience the selfless giving of love?

When I give people a massage or healing session, I tune into spirit, the divine eros, and open my heart to the flow of love.

I experience it like the feeling of taking someone on a journey, with the power of love, unconditional and honouring. I feel that I guide them to move out of their head into their body and experience the opening of the heart space–a Stargate which they go through or sit on the edge of pleasure, floating on waves of breath, in tune with and in control of their own energy. I feel the connection of our energy–sometimes I let a vibrate me, sometimes it turns me on, and sometimes it gives me energetic orgasms.

I give my body and spiritual energy over to this divine erotic energy and feels wonderful.

I need to be aware of my breath and my control, so that I keep the other person’s energy at all on the edge, without going over.

Sometimes when I’m not feeling 100 percent at the beginning, the healing energy coming through heals me as well and I feel relaxed and energised afterwards.

When people express themselves in moans or words, I feel great, to know I have once again been a tour guide to help them get in touch with the divine erotic energy.

How do I experience passionate wanting?

I experience passionate wanting in the moment. Often when giving a Tantra Pleasure Experience massage, I feel that I “ fall in love “ with the person. I feel very close and intimate. Sometimes I WANT to stay in the moment for ever–feeling the connection and the pleasure, the intimacy and the flow of love that seems to go both ways in a circle. And neither needs to give or receive, take or leave, not separate, just flowing in unconditional compassionate feeling. Is it love? Or divine eros? No words can really describe how I feel.

How I experience the relationship of these 2 things – Selfless Giving of love and Passionate Wanting – in my life, in my experience? 

I experience these two as a flow. As I give pleasure to someone, I feel intimate, connected to them and to the large wholeness of being. The Wanting is to merge rather than a selfish need to hold on or separate. It’s a merging into wholeness.

How do I experience the opposition, the conflict, or the disharmony between this week giving spiritual love on the one hand, and the wanting, the desire, the passion and intensity on the other?

Spiritual love is connecting, easy, flowing and sometimes Wanting is separating and pulsing, not flowing smoothly.

With a lover recently, I didn’t feel that spiritual connection. He didn’t kiss me much, and didn’t touch me much. No desire was awakened. Although my yoni was very juicy, my mind was not turned or not tuned in. It was a strange disconnected feeling, however it still worked. We made love, easily and with good connection. But without intimacy, without love. So I flowed with physical, the passion and His obvious need and desire for sex (but not desire for me). And I flowed with my body’s needs for sex, for release, for physical enjoyment. But I didn’t feel loved.

As Allan Pease says “Women give sex for love, and men give love for sex…”

What are the ways in which I experience my love for the world?

My love for the world comes with compassion, with healing, releasing as much judgment about people so that I can love them and be open for them to learn, heal, relax and surrender. To make a safe space for people to rejuvenate and feel relaxed, empowered and re-energised.

My intention is that the sacred space that I have created in my healing temple room in Adelaide and the portable healing space I create in other cities, towns, homes and rooms, is a safe secure space for people to feel at-home, so that they can release their burdens stresses, fears and anxieties; to heal their hurts and pains, and feel the free flow of the spiritual energy and the connection to the Universe/Source/God to be whole and complete.

I also experience my love for the world by healing the world one person at a time.

How do I experience my love for spiritual freedom?

My love for spiritual freedom is experienced as a light, unlimited, disembodied feeling–like dreaming, like when you first wake from sleep, like a magic orgasm, no limits, no boundaries, just ease and flow. Its like swimming with no clothes to restrict, like flying on the wings of the wind, being transported by a touch or taste or smell. It can last a few seconds, a few minutes, or be outside of time and eternal. It’s a feeling that is beyond sight, beyond words, beyond description. The words talk around it. Like clear sky–eternal and limitless, with no edges, no horizon, no beginning or end.

How do I experience the relationship between these 2 loves? My love for the world and my love for spiritual freedom.

In my Tantric practice and teaching, I am trying to give the client an experience of spiritual freedom and love and loving themselves, by taking them through their body, via breathing awareness, so that they can feel the freedom that I feel. I guide them through a series of steps that mostly gives them a spiritual experience of…

Is it tantra, Home, God, Enlightenment, source, WTF, sexual, spiritual, pleasure, bliss, euphoria or wow!?

Which leaves them often in an altered state, a different space, relaxed and energised, heavy and blissful. They are in love with themselves and feeling free…

What connects them? Me!

Ally July 2014

Divine Eros is spiritually opening my heart, mind body and soul to the flow of love.

Tantra is spiritual love

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