Kuan Yin, Durga and the Dragon are symbols of Feminine Power
Feminine power is symbolised by goddesses in many religions legends and native stories and belief systems. I find similarities between Kuan Yin, Durga and Dragons.
Kuan Yin
I love Quan Yin, Goddess of Compassion and Mercy. I have always identified with her. Here is a photo of my beautiful Quan Yin statue

I used to see statues and pictures of Kuan Yin sitting or standing still. She was always just THERE in the same place, not moving.

And in 2015 Janet Schwarz Introduced me to Kuan Yin riding a dragon through the water – the movement is powerful, the movement is fluid, like feminine energy.

And also I learnt about Durga in a workshop in Brisbane in December last year with Chameli, of Awakening Women – she is dark skinned and rides a tiger, she is multi-tasking with all her arms holding symbols of power.

She does not fight the beast, she rides its powerful energy, seemingly without reins or control, balancing gracefully on its back. Durga comes with joy cos she knows why she’s here and knows her strong power. She is the marriage of love and truth and she won’t compromise. The key to Feminine Power is to ride the energy and direct it, not force it or give it up. It is not static or stationary, it is always moving, like a wave… flowing like water … so float with it, don’t resist it or try to swim against the current, just ride it on your surfboard, hanging ten, on the edge of the wave, for as long as you want to… Enjoy!
Dragons also symbolise feminine power. They are powerful, breathe fire, often can fly, have clear vision and often can see all around themselves, have huge mouths and teeth and when they talk they can be fierce, like Kali, courageous like Durga or wise like Kuan Yin. It’s all the things that men often fear about women – the wild untamed energy, the raw sexual energy of their yoni, the strong, sometimes cruel, sometimes kind, words that come out of their mouths, the mysterious feminine essence and the power of nurturing a baby inside their body for 9 months. Recently in “Game of Thrones”, we have heard about Kalise, the “Mother of Dragons”
So Kuan Yin rides the Dragon, on top of the water, symbolising her power over earth, water and nature – the spiritual power of unconditional love. True Power comes from love, compassion and nature. It’s a power which can be used for the greater good. Durga rides the Tiger or Lion, to show her courage.
Here is Kuan Yin and the Dragon – the two parts of the feminine energy – beauty, softness and love; wild, uncontrollable and powerful. The yin and yang of woman, the balance that we all wish for.
During my research about Kuan Yin I learnt that “It is interesting that as we go deeper into this story, Her story, we find the word Ku coming up more often: Hunab Ku, Kukulkan, Bolon Yokte Ku and now Kuan Yin. This is of course no accident but takes us back into the sacred female element as we will see, from the deregotary word for ‘cunt’ we move back to Ku as germanic root word for a hollow place, and we find that Ku at root suggets the essence of the feminine power – the womb and the source of the kundalini fiery serpent-dragon that may be taught to rise from the lower body where it is at home. So we find the Milky Way serpent dragon exists in the human body too!” (from http://www.galactic-centre-2012.com)
Here is a prayer from Kuan Yin
May the peace of God be upon this household.
May the love of God be in your hearts.
May the light of God be in your souls.
May the wisdom of God be in your minds.
May the virtue and purity of God be in your feelings.
May the strength and vitality of God be among the members of your household.
May the health and well being of God be manifest through the bodies, the garments which you wear.
May the grace of God be in your worship.
May the talents and genius of God be manifest through your senses.
May the fullness of the victory of your own God plan be manifest through your souls and the close of your earth life!
(As said by Kuan Yin)

Tantra sais that the ability to produce kalas is a woman’s step into paranormal powers. It is the physical manifestation of sexual energy.