He was called Jade. He loved everything green and growing. His favourite form when working in any garden was to be naked. So, his clients called him “The Naked Gardener”.
He was recommended to her by a female friend. She said he was available only to help women with their gardening needs. And he was happy for them to watch him work in their garden as they would see his gorgeous muscular tanned body. The muscles on his shoulders and arms moved deliciously as he trimmed the trees or pulled out weeds or planted new baby plants in the sunshine, as the women fantasized about him.
He preferred to plant by the moon’s phases – generally that was: leafy plants, flowers and fruits in the first quarter after new moon. Fruiting annuals for abundant seed are best sown in the second quarter of the moon. As the moon’s light decreases, root vegetables and crops, berries, vines and bulbs can best be planted in the third quarter of the moon. Then he sweet-talked them to grow and harvest abundantly. And of course he had to come and check their progress as often as their owners wanted.

One beautiful sunny summer’s day, he arrived dressed in green shorts and black tank top which showed off his sexy body, Jade asked her “What do you want me to do in your garden today?”. Standing there in her mini skirt and low-cut blouse, she replied “I would like to have a picnic today – with you! I’ve watched you work in my garden for weeks now, and I want to treat you and reward you.”
Jade said “Only if I can feed you and then feast on you too. For I too have watched you and I desire to make passionate love to you!”
So they spread out a blanket on the soft grass underneath the trees in the shade. She bought out food and wine she had prepared. Then she said “I’m going to blindfold you so you can REALLY appreciate this food, without distraction.”
The birds and bees made music around them that seemed louder and more romantic as she tied a satin blindfold over his eyes. It felt soft and silky on his face. Then she lay him down and he surrendered to her pleasure. First, she teased his mouth with a salty taste. A moment later he could smell his favourite lavender bush fragrance. Then she gently rang a tiny bell beside his right ear, and blew a kiss inside it.
Then she stroked something soft up his legs and down is arms. His body tingled with the sensation.
The next exquisite sensation was her soft lips kissing his, and releasing a wet cascade of bubbling wine into his mouth. He swallowed and lapped up her kisses, passionately returning them with all the love in his heart.
Feeling her deliciously warm body lie on top of his, and his arms gently encircled her, holding their hearts together as one. Jade stroked her hair softly, running his hands and fingernails gently all over her back. She moaned and wriggled, her hot yoni stimulating him more and more. He thought his rock-hard lingam would burst through his thin shorts!
Rolling over so that he was on top, he said “My turn to partake” and he transferred the blindfold do her eyes so she could enjoy the unknown spontaneous pleasures of the Garden of Jade’s Delight as delivered by him.
First, Jade drank some water and sprinkled it on her tummy, slowly licking between her breasts and nuzzling her neck with sweet kisses, at which she moaned and whimpered with delight.
Then blowing gently in her ear, and whispered “I love you” and “I want you” and “I need you”, then cheekily licked insider her ear, dissolving her into laughter and giggles.
Next, he crushed some sweet mint and basil leaves which he had freshly plucked from the garden and put it under her nose. She breathed deeply of the delicious bouquet. “Mmmmmm…” she moaned
He bit into a strawberry and then kissed her, pushing the tidbit into her mouth with his tongue. As she enjoyed its juiciness he slowly moved down to lick and suck her turgid nipples, as she moaned and the juice overflowed and dripped from her lips.
His tongue lapped a winding path down her torso to her belly button and nibbled around her tummy, finally brushing her tiny landing strip of pubic hair.
He stopped, and put his hand on her Venus mound, feeling with his palm the juiciness seeping through her lips. “Is it OK to explore your sacred garden?” he asked her permission.
“Oh yes, yes, yes!” she cried with delight, so he gently stroked her inner thighs, running his finger nails across her hot flesh. After that he carefully took off her skimpy G-string, explored her groin – softly stroking the velvet skin with his fingertips, moving inwards to her outer labia, her inner labia. She thought he would never get to her juiciness but she was loving his teasing. Then he finally circled her clit with his tongue, caressing its engorged shaft, licking and flicking her to one orgasm after another.
Her whole body was tingling from his sensual touch and the sunlight dappled through the jade leaves of the tree.
Finally he said breathlessly “OK to enter your sacred garden now?”
She opened her legs in anticipation of his first penetration – “This is always one of my favourite parts of love making,” she purred, “With pleasure, Jade”
He teased her with the tip of his strong hard erection, touching her introitus (opening of her vagina), then slowly, slowly, inch by inch, entered her juicy hot yoni, filling it with his big, hot masculinity.
As it slid smoothly in and out, it felt like silk and satin and the exquisite pleasure of connecting with her cervix or G spot, she didn’t know which, and didn’t care either… She was floating on waves of pleasure, which radiated warmly from her yoni and his lingam and spread through her whole body and out far beyond. It felt like she was the whole yoni-verse! Nothing else existed except this euphoric pleasure of his lips and hers joining in a circle, and the tantric joining of their energy into a sphere of oneness and delight.
He varied his strokes – sometimes faster and sometimes slower, as he rode the waves of energy, controlling his desire with ease of long practice, so that their love making continued for many long blissful hours.
Punctuated by morsels of food and shared mouthfuls of wine or water, they gave and received their love until the sun set on that first of many delicious days exploring their Gardens.
She loved sharing her garden with the Naked Gardener.