in Adelaide

Bring out your playful goddess and hidden feminine energy while dancing up a storm with a bunch of women in a supportive fun environment with Ally Thomas, Adelaide’s womens Tantra goddess
Learn how to slowly and seductively remove your clothes to turn on your lover and your self… (And an audience… if you choose!)
2 evenings of fun, sensual dance and movement for women only
Bring a girl friend for a fun evening!
Ally has had burlesque and strip tease experience in New Zealand, NSW and Queensland!
More details and photos in her book “What Men and Women Really Want”. Order HERE
Tuesday 26 November 2019 – Sacred Burlesque Playshop part 1
7-9pm Private venue in Unley. Limited numbers
Music and moves
$60 Bring a girl friend for free! (includes sinful supper and champagne or bubbly)
Tuesday 10 December 2019 – Sacred Burlesque Playshop part 2
7-9pm Private venue in Unley. Limited numbers
Timing and choreography
$60 Bring a girl friend for free! (includes sinful supper, champagne or bubbly)
Book and pay for both nights $100 for 2 …
Practice, practice, practice
Performance – Burlesque Party – Friday 17 January 2020
Would you like to perform for a party!
BYO drinks & a plate of food to share
Bring your partner and your friends for a party night of burlesque fun. Dress up or dress down.
Contact Ally for more details…

phone Ally 0419 038 310 or email for bookings and more details or see Contact Page.
Hi Ally. Will there be any Tantric Sacred womens burlesque workshops in the future? Thankyou. Warm Blessings.Gratitude.
Yes Donna. Where are you based?