Sacred Feminine Wealthy Coaching program 2020
With Ally in 2020 and beyond
Do you struggle with money?
Do you want to attract more money?
Do you want to create more success?
Do you want to get out of that job and into your own spiritual modality or business?
Are YOU ready to create more success, more happiness and more prosperity in your life?
Increase your Financial Flow in your Spiritual Modality for your Passion and Purpose. Here is a Step by Step or Breakthrough Sessions to start or improve cash flow in your business
- How to tune into your money flow
- Break through to create financial flow and abundance
- Change your money beliefs
- Shift your wealth to abundance
- Tune into your self worth to increase your financial income in your spiritual business
- Do you want to leave your job and start your passion business purpose?
- Do you want to start a spiritual business which will generate income?
- Increase your cashflow in your existing business?
- You need an abundance mindset, a wealthy way of thinking, and to release transparent limiting beliefs about money and finance that are holding you back from the prosperity you deserve.
What do you get?
5 week program: Qualifying Questions, release your limiting beliefs about money, you will increase your self worth, create your business plan and how to monetise your programs, business goal setting and action plan. Promotion, paperwork, recording to track your progress. Weekly email support, accountability feedback, progress and Follow up.
Sacred Feminine Wealthy Coaching program – investment
First 2 women = $100 per session and 2 referrals booked in. Then $250 per hour x 5 sessions or $1000 paid in full in advance.
Payment plans = 3 x $400 or 5 x $250
Payment available by AP/DD/CC eftpos Visa MasterCard/cash.
Fast Start One day Wealth Intensive
How to run your spiritual business successfully
Mine has been running successfully for over 12 years. I used to work in a 9-5 office job and had coaching to leave my job and start my niche massage business. I have taught lots of men and women in a niche market all over Australia and New Zealand, and trained more than 10 people to do what I do and some how to run a business in some or all of these modules.
This one day intensive Coaching and Counselling Session gives you practical ways to promote, run and record your business success – one day – 6 hours – 9am to 4pm or 10am to 5pm – (includes lunch and workbook) $1200 paid in full in advance (or 3 x $400 payments)
One day – 6 hours – 9am-4pm or 10am-5pm
Book now for your Clarity Call , or apply now – email Ally for your Application form.

Hi Allie, Spirit works in strange ways. Firstly I feel I need a massage, but am interested to talk to you about what area I need some support.