Calling all women!

Would you like to connect with your Sacred Feminine Self?
What about meeting your Wise & Wild Woman aspect?
To have time in Nature and to be nurtured!
Join Ally and Joan in their shared offering for this magical weekend at The Farm for Wellbeing, Flaxley, Adelaide Hills at the 2 day Sacred Women’s Inner Self Weekend Retreat in July 2020
A Journey of Self Inquiry and Tantric Experience
Saturday – “Explore Your Inner Self” with Joan Carpenter
Joan is a Facilitator of “Wise Woman Within You”
Arrive 9.30 am, 10.00 start, end 8.30 PM after drumming and brazier- weather permitting.
A day/evening of Inner Exploration with meditation, journaling and Nature.
The day includes :
- self inquiry with meditation and journaling
- time in Nature
- group work in Circle
- a contemplative Labyrinth walk
- Drum Journey
- Evening brazier fire and more drumming! (weather permitting)
Vegetarian soup for lunch.
BYO snacks.
Tea, coffee, milks provided.
Sacred Women’s shared meal for dinner – bring your favourite dish to contribute!
Stay overnight, be cozy with the wood fire, country kitchen and dormitory accommodation.
Small group of 4 women (or 6 if restrictions relax)

Sunday – “Passionate Sacred Feminine Playshop” with Ally Thomas
Ally is a Tantra Teacher and Divine Feminine Goddess
We will explore:
- Passion, Tantra, & Sacred Feminine energy (similar to the Sacred Feminine Playshop in July 2019)
- Deepen your connection with your sensual energy (all exercises clothed-don’t worry!! 🙂
- delicious healthy lunch on Sunday – Shepherdess Pie and Chocolate Mousse.
- 4.00 pm Closing Circle.
Limited spaces for both workshops and overnight.
Booking and pre-payment essential.
Early Bird $290 until 30/6/20,
afterwards $330 each woman (includes accommodation and lunches)
Sacred Women’s Inner Self Weekend bookings on Humanitix:

For more information about the Sacred Women’s Inner Self Weekend, contact Ally