How much does a Tantra Massage cost?
Cost to you for Sexual Dysfunction?
MEN: Do you have Premature Ejaculation? Do you suffer from erection dysfunction? Have you had a prostate operation? Are you dis-satisfied with your sex life? Do you have a lot of stress and tension in your work and life and don’t know how to get relief? Lack of sleep or broken sleep? Pain, lack of pleasure for you and your partner? Frustration? Lack of satisfaction for you and your lover? Performance anxiety?
What does this cost you in your life? Your relationship, happiness, joy, relaxation, control, pleasure, orgasms, performance…
Cost to do something?
Have you tried drugs, viagra, hormones, pumps, injections? Are you sick of debilitating side effects? Painful frustrating experiences? Tried to focus on something else? Been castigated for your efforts? Does it work for you?
Ancient Tantra Technique is easy to learn
A simple 3 step exercise takes about an hour for you to learn what to do, you practise doing it, and get an idea of how it works. For YOU! Very easy! The side effects are that you will feel relaxed and energised.
Then you practise – by yourself (it’s fun) until you feel competent. Then surprise your lover!!
She will be happy and grateful. You will be satisfied and relaxed. Confident in your masculinity and control of your sexuality.
Possible Benefits
- easy to learn and practice!
- it works!
- stronger erections
- release tension
- control ejaculation
- multiple orgasms before or after ejaculation
- increase masculinity and confidence
- de-stress
- full body orgasm
- relaxation
- sleep better.
How much does a Tantra Massage cost for Men?
It costs less than Viagra. It’s more healthy than drugs. Ad it works better than mental control.
For men, a one hour one-one discrete private confidential Tantra Massage session to heal any of these issues, is $250. Other sessions are available see Mens page
Available in Adelaide, Melbourne, Newcastle, Hobart Brisbane, Perth, Canberra, Launceston, Sydney – see my Schedule page. Book now HERE
How much does a Tantra Massage cost for Women?
For women with sexual abuse issues, who have been hurt either mentally, physically or emotionally, you can also have a confidential consultation and Tantra session to learn how to relax, tune into and enjoy your feminine energy, and how to have a (female) orgasm – or a pampering sensual soft massage. See Women’s page for more information.
Tried and tested by experienced Tantra Teacher
Tantric exercises are originally from ancient India (Tantra) and China (Taoism), have been controlled, hidden or lost for many years, and are now available to all.
Ally has studied and practiced Tantra for over 20 years. She has taught Tantra techniques experientially since 2009 to thousands of men of all ages, occupations and health in Australia and New Zealand.
Any testimonials?
Ally has received many grateful testimonials from men who have learnt this technique and expressed how happy they and their wives, lovers and girlfriends as a result.
Hi Ally, I just want to let you know I had a very deep sleep last night, which doesn’t happen very often, and I’m sure yesterday’s wonderful, exhilarating session with you was the reason. Thanks again for a new experience. I will be visiting you again. K
You have helped me bring back my confidence in myself
I will practice control.
J Adelaide
I was amazed at how long I was able to control my ejaculation using the tantra techniques. B Melbourne
Thank you for removing my block for my sexuality. i feel the power of my masculinity without the bravado! J Perth
I came to see you in desperation yet in one visit you successfully convinced me that there was nothing wrong with me. You have marvellous hands! Thank you for your ministrations! D Brisbane
I recommend Ally to make you feel wonderful. I came in as a 60 year old and left as a 17 year old! B Brisbane.