6 Ways to Uplift your Feelings to Happiness and Joy
Feeling Alone or Lonely?
Although you may feel that you are all alone, and no one has ever felt like you feel or gone through what you feel, don’t worry about it. You are not alone. You are never alone. There is always someone there for you. To help you, comfort you, give you advice or whatever you need. You just have to ask.
I know it’s not easy to know that the person who is making you feel bad or lonely has ever experienced what you are going through. But they have. Sometimes that’s the way they show they care. The way they love you. And it’s the best they can do.
So here are 6 ways for you to change that lonely feeling. When you don’t want to be alone or when you are feeling sad and want to change your mood.
6 ways to change your feeling easily
Help someone
The easiest way to change your mood, to feel connected, is to help someone else. Someone who is not as well off. Smile at someone. Help a friend or family member who is not as well off as you are. When you nurture another person, you nurture yourself and love your self more. It helps you feel better, relax and open your heart.
Make someone laugh
Think of a joke or something that makes YOU laugh and feel happy. Ring or text a friend and make them smile or laugh. It makes you feel better too. When you smile and laugh it lifts the mood of everyone around you. Google jokes on your favourite subject!
Laughter Yoga is a good way to help you laugh – deliberately start laughing “Ho ho, ha ha ha, hee hee hee” and keep saying it out loud until you actually laugh and feel happy!!
Connect with nature, an animal, tree or plant
Go outside and be with nature, an animal or even tree or plant. Take your shoes off and walk on the grass, feel the cool earth under your feet. Walk on the beach and wriggle your toes in the sand, feel the water wash over your hands or feet. Stroke or cuddle a cat or dog if there is a friendly one nearby. If you don’t have a real one, get a teddy bear to hug!
You could go to the park and hug a tree! People often talk to their plants and vegetables as they believer that helps them grow.
Book to receive a massage. This is a lovely way to pamper your self, be touched and gently stroked. Just relaxing lying on the massage table and allowing the masseuse or masseur will help you feel better about yourself. There are many different forms of massage which can relax, refresh and energise you to feel better about yourself and your body. They don’t have to be painful if you specifically ask for a Relaxing Massage*…
Respectfully ask a person older than you
Ask older people how they used to feel when they were your age and going through what you are going through. They have great stories and good advice to help you. They’ve often made similar “mistakes” to you!
Remember to respect others and they will show respect to you in return.
It’s a game
Try to think of this life of yours as a game – a very big game. Or a play, where you are acting or playing the best and most positive happy role you can. Change your perspective so you can find the fun in any dull or boring experience. It’s not about winning the game. It’s about playing it and having fun. And learning along the way. About yourself. About others.
I hope these 6 ways to happiness; 6 positive ideas have helped you feel better. Given you hope that other people (like me) get lonely too, and are thinking of you and sending you unconditional love as you read these words.
* I am a bit biased about massage, being a masseuse who loves to give gentle sensual relaxing massages – book here!