What is Tantra

Here is an excerpt from the Introduction of my book “What Men and Women Really Want – 6 Tantric Love Secrets” for you to ponder over.

What is Tantra?

Tantra* is a buzz word that most people have heard, but not so many really understand. Some people think it’s a form of kinky sex. Or they have heard that Sting has Tantric sex for over five hours. Others believe that it is esoteric, involving meditation and ritual. I hope to explain its simplicity and share with you some practical, fun ways to use Tantra in your life.

Introducing Ally

Hi I’m Ally Thomas. Since July 2009, I have taught, pleasured and inspired thousands of people, educating them about Tantra and sacred sexuality. I have helped them to tune in to their sexual and spiritual energy. And also to learn how to love themselves more fully and deeply. 

My first experience of Tantra was in 1996. While visiting a girlfriend in Adelaide, I noticed a brochure entitled ‘Women’s Sexuality Workshop’ on her coffee table. I just had to read it!  Barbara Carellas, a world renowned Tantra Teacher, was coming to town. My friend had done a women’s workshop with Barbara a while ago. She told me that Barbara teaches women how to have an orgasm without touching themselves.  Intrigued, I booked in.  It was an amazing experience. I, and most of the other women in the workshop, succeeded in learning how to have incredible energetic orgasms! Also I ended up attending a further three of her workshops for women. Then I attended Barbara’s Tantra Workshop evening for men and women.  This was my very first taste of Tantra, and I was curious to learn more. Since then I have read and studied many books, attended courses and seminar with different teachers and gurus. I have also practised with friends and lovers. I am passionate about learning and experiencing more about Tantra.

Why am I so passionate about Tantra in my life?

My experience of Tantra is that is unites the physical and the spiritual. It is about joining awareness with breath, to balance and harmonise my masculine and feminine energies. Tantra also enables me to experience ecstasy, joy and bliss.

Why do I love teaching about Tantra by giving a Tantra Massage?

I call it a Tantra Pleasure Experience. My first pleasure is feeling my hands stroking and pleasuring the other person’s body. The second pleasure is from watching and hearing their ecstatic moans and groans. Listening to them trying to describe their feeling of delicious euphoria – the tingling, vibrating energy spreading through their body. Before, during or afterwards. My third pleasure is taking people to another place. It’s a space that is hard to describe in words. It often leaves them relaxed and energized at the same time!

Tantra Benefits

The benefits of Tantra experiences include:

  • relaxation or euphoria
  • healing of physical pain
  • experiencing a Spiritual Energy Orgasm
  • relief from stress
  • surrendering to pleasure instead of feeling that you have to give back.

There are many ideas and misconceptions about Tantra, because it’s not easy to adequately describe the experience of Tantra. I am grateful for permission to use some of my clients’ words and testimonials who have attempted to define it. These are given in Appendix 1. However, as I often say, it’s like trying to explain sex to a virgin!

This book is for the adventurous man or woman, ready to pleasure and cherish herself or himself. Or his or her lover. You will need a bit of patience to practise the ancient art of Tantra. This can lead to you becoming a satisfied, contented partner. For some people you will experience an increase in your masculine or feminine energy, greater confidence and mutual ecstasy. This book is for men or women to buy and share with their partner, lover or spouse. Importantly, it’s for couples to share with each other.

In this exciting book, I will give you six powerful secrets gained from over 18 years of experience learning and practising Tantra. My extensive teaching using Tantra massage, playshops, workshops and presentations is reflected here. And my knowledge from coaching and counselling thousands of men, women and couples all over Australia and New Zealand.

Tantra Love Secrets in this book

You will discover what is Tantra:

  • How to last longer in the bedroom – what every man and woman wants…in Chapter 1.
  • How to relax and pleasure a woman with sensual massage techniques – and have her begging you for more…in Chapter 6. What every woman really wants!
  • In Chapter 3  …you will learn how you can have a spiritual energy orgasm by yourself, without touching yourself!
  • How to connect at a deeper level with each other and pleasure your lover more. The secret that every passionate couple wants to know…in Chapter 5.
  • In Chapter 4…Tantra massage and yoni massage
  • How to take your sexual experience with your lover to another level with Tantric sex techniques.
What Men & Women Really want cover

Each chapter title is a Love Secret, based on the letters in the word TANTRA:

T is for Teasing …

A is for Aah! (Breathing)

N is for Now

T is for Touch

R is for Rapport

A is for Amore (Love)

How to use this book and unlock Tantra for you

You can read any chapter first, as it’s not sequential. Just jump in wherever you like! The words in bold* refer to words in the extensive Glossary towards the end of the book.

Each letter stands for an aspect of Tantra that you can use and practise – by yourself or with a partner. Tantric techniques can help to improve your sex life, enrich your relationship, empower your lover and reach higher fulfilment together. Inside your sacred space* (a special physical place, usually separate from your bedroom, where you create an area for your Tantra practice) as well as in your bedroom. I am using examples which are based on my personal experience with lovers, Tantric consorts and clients. All testimonials have permission to be used, and names have been protected. My integrity and confidentiality is essential when teaching sacred sexuality and intimacy, especially to couples.

Assistance with Sexual dysfunctions

Sexual dysfunctions (PE, ED) and other sexual problems experienced by men and women can often be healed with application of natural Tantric methods. Also sexual education is used, as people often have missed out on human sex ed.

Use this book to help you surrender to enjoyment, release stress and relax more, and give and receive pleasure. As a result, you can enjoy more joy and bliss in your life. The main key secret in Tantra is love. Loving yourself, loving your partner, and connecting your hearts, bodies, emotions, minds and spirits together in harmony and bliss. What women really want (and men too) is to be loved, to feel loved. Men and women want to be touched with love, to hear that they are loved, see that they are loved, to taste and smell love. Here are some old and new ways to do this.

At the end of each chapter, you will find a Tantric Exercise. These exercises are practical ways to bring the experience of Tantra into your life and relationships. There are also links to videos, stories, and Tantra techniques throughout the book. These give you practical guidance on how to discover and experience Tantra for yourself and your partner. To dispel myths, fears and misconceptions about Tantra, Tantra massage and sacred sexuality, I also include some powerful educational information.

See some of my free Tantra tips at

For more information see the 4 Appendices in the book. Words in bold are linked and defined in the Glossary.

Enjoy reading, sharing and practising the exercises in my book, starting with ‘T for Tease’ in Chapter one….

For your Tantric pleasure,

* see Glossary.

Get your copy Now

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What Men and Women Really Want cover

Transformational Relationship Coaching

transformational relationship coaching with ally

Transformational relationship coaching with Ally is now available.

I’m not sure you know this, but I am a Transformational Relationship Coach.

What is Transformational Relationship Coaching?

Using NLP (Neurological Linguistic Programming) techniques, I can help you with relationship issues – lack of confidence, trust issues, emotional release, sex or porn-addiction, ED or PE … These NLP techniques can help men or women who wish to get over a relationship trauma, learn to love again, and have a more romance and a more fulfilling sex life.

So if you’ve been wishing you had someone to confide in, talk to, and overcome something in your relationship with your partner, (or lack of a partner), that is holding you back, email me a bit of background about your issue and I’ll make a recommendation.

Here’s some guidelines for helping me help you with your Transformational Relationship Coaching: (please send me these answers)

  • Your age, location, and gender.
  • Your relationship status.
  • #1 issue you are struggling with.
  • Additional issues you’re struggling with.
  • The outcome you desire.
  • Any previous experience with a coach, therapist or psychiatrist.
  • Physical health issues and medications you’re on.
  • Emotional health issues and medications you’re on.

Sometimes in just one or two sessions, you can get the strategies you need to move past what is holding you back.

Many people get STUCK in the past and ruin their future because of their own blind spots. You can release negative beliefs, let go of limiting and transparent beliefs to create the life you want and deserve!

If you want help, I’m happy to help you. To love yourself and others, to be loved in return.

What do you have to do?

You must be willing to commit to a program of one hourly coaching sessions – weekly, fortnightly or monthly, preferably in person.

Your first session will be approximately 30-minute phone or Zoom discussion, which is free so we can meet each other and connect (if we haven’t already met).

A one day Fast Track Breakthrough session is also available.

For physical issues, I have also helped men, women and couples with Tantra Massage therapy, based in Adelaide. I sometimes travel inter-state to most capital cities.

I also offer Personal Coaching Packages for weekly fortnightly or monthly sessions. And payment plans. More information on my Coaching page HERE


Premature ejaculation control


  • Do you come too quickly? Are you frustrated by PE? see PE
  • Want to learn how to last longer? For yourself for more pleasure, or to pleasure your partner more? see CONTROL
  • Do you have ejaculation problems? Either coming too soon or not being able to come when you want to? Ask Ally about Tantric breath techniques.
  • Do you have erection problems or erectile dysfunction? See ED post
  • Does performance anxiety and/or low self confidence in love-making worry you?
  • Do you have performance anxiety, low self confidence in love-making?
  • Have you had prostate problems, prostate surgery? see PROSTATE (below)
  •  Are you too stressed or too tired to perform in bed? Are you or your partner unsatisfied because one wants more sexual activity than the other?Tantric techniques can help  you.

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Definitions of PE

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a condition in which a man ejaculates earlier than he or his partner would like him to. Premature ejaculation is also known as rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax, or early ejaculation. The most common definition is that premature ejaculation occurs if the ejaculation occurs within two minutes of penetration (wikipedia). Premature ejaculation can be differentiated between two types: primary, which is present from the time a male begins puberty, and secondary which is acquired later in the man’s life. Premature ejaculation can be further divided between; global premature ejaculation, which occurs with all partners and in all contexts and situational premature ejaculation which occurs in certain situation or with specific partners

Most men experience premature ejaculation at least once in their lives. Because there is great variability in both how long it takes to ejaculate and how long both partners want sex to last, if at all, an accurate prevalence rate is hard to determine… (from Wikipedia)

“At the 2006 Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, an American research paper reported:

  • the average lasting time of men with PE was 1.8 minutes
  • ‘normal’ men lasted an average of 7.3 minutes.

But there were males who claimed to have premature ejaculation, yet who could last up to 25 minutes. This clearly shows people have wildly differing ideas about what is normal!”

“Premature ejaculation (PE)is also known as rapid or fast or early or involuntary ejaculation. It is defined as persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal stimulation, either before, upon or shortly after penetration and before a person wishes it. This disturbance causes distress and interpersonal difficulties and can lead to decreased satisfaction to either one or both partners. It is now also recognized that ejaculation happens with little or no voluntary control.”          

You are NOT alone

Premature Ejaculation is widely believed to be the most common male sexual dysfunction, it affects between 20% and 30% of men and affects men of all ages.                                         (

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual problem observed in men worldwide. It can cause frustration, guilt and performance anxiety.
Often PE, ED and other sexual problems are caused by anxiety, depression, worry, overwork, stress, tiredness, guilt and bereavement. Other factors can be obesity, diabetes, alcohol, smoking, nicotine and other drugs (recreational and depression).

Many men suffer from premature ejaculation for a long time because they find it embarrassing to talk about their sexual problems with doctors, therapists, partners or friends. The problem is not doing anything about it, because if you don’t do anything, it will get worse. So you need to take action TODAY!

The reason it’s so quick goes back to when you learned about your sexuality and masturbation. It had to be quiet and quick, so you didn’t get caught, didn’t it?! And so now you need to learn how to control it – to last longer, to be louder, so that you can have more pleasure and so your partner can have more too…

And then there are times that it comes up when you don’t want it to, and others when you want it to and it doesn’t. Its all about control – coming when you want to, not when it wants to!

As you know, there are SO many treatments, cures and drugs (Viagra and other pills and potions, injections), clinics and therapists offering solutions. These don’t work for everyone, and they all have side-effects, some worse than what you are trying to heal!
However if you would like to learn the natural way (no drugs, no sniffing) to control, as taught to many Emperors, Kings, Princes in ancient India and China, then you’re at the right place to find out about Tantra.


Learning Tantric exercises can help you control your erection, your orgasms (so you can have many), your ejaculation (which is different from orgasm – when you learn how to control it).

It’s easy to learn, and in my first (of 3) sessions you can learn how to do it and practise so that you get the experience of how it works. Then its up to you to practise more!

Learn how to last longer, elevate your sexual bliss and control your ejaculation naturally with Tantra


If you have had prostate surgery, you can learn how to control your erection, and still have amazing pleasure, with Tantric techniques. Also see ED page for natural Australian healing oil which can also help you.

For a confidential, safe, enjoyable one hour session, make an appointment to see me NOW!

See my Testimonials below and HERE for success stories.

Contact Ally now or make a booking on the Booking Page


Hi Ally,

This is the testimonial I promised you in appreciation for your (extra) time & most wonderful experience you provided me with.
As mentioned I discussed with an Indian doctor that I have difficulty getting then maintaining an erection. I guess I was looking for a quick fix drug such as Viagra but the Doc suggested I try Tantra in the first instance while I undergo all the usual health tests. He suggested that I might actually enjoy the experience even if I was unable to get and/or maintain an erection. (How right he was!) Anyway, I decided to give Tantra a go, but being a sceptical person I thought I would possibly have a relaxing massage but be back to the doctor for the miracle drug! (How wrong was I?)
Anyway, I happened upon your site & I’m so glad I did as you managed to assist me in gaining a reasonable erection which, with your physical efforts & verbal instructions I was able to maintain. In addition, you brought me very close to ejaculation several times. I felt so good with my apparent orgasm/s which I didn’t think could happen with males.
Ally taught me to breathe & control intimate muscles. Breathing was sometimes difficult to control as Ally’s wonderful touches & beautiful presence often took my breath away. It is so hard to explain, Ally’s touches had all of my senses going totally crazy & I think I lost control of reality & moved into a land of fantasy. (God she is good! How does she do this?).
Ally is a very professional & intelligent lady in that she can talk to you as the client explaining the concept of Tantra & keep your attention as a teacher but when she is with you in a more intimate position she is so very, very sexual almost as if she is transformed between a teacher, masseuse & intimate partner but all the time explaining that this is self love. Well if this is self love, I would want Ally there to share it, she is simply fantastic.
Thank you so much Ally I love you for being a true professional who is a such a wonderfully patient & understanding person but especially for providing me with the most breathtaking sexual experience that left me relaxed, drained, satisfied & just about any other pleasant feeling I could imagine. If you were a drug, I’d be addicted.
When our session finished I realised we had gone a little overtime but it felt like I was with you much longer. I don’t mind saying that you had me trembling with an indescribable feeling of pleasure. Then, being the ultimate professional that you obviously are, you surprised me again by not rushing me out of the door but sat me down to discuss my feelings & allowing me the time with you to just talk.
I was so very comfortable with your company (I’m often a little awkward with one-on-one female company outside of business) I didn’t want to leave …
Let me assure that you & the experience you gave me will be etched in my memory for sometime
A good price for a great service………A very satisfied client………….Thanks Ally, I’ll be back……..Soon!
Ally, you said I should let out my true feelings & at the moment these are my feelings. I just wish I could express such feelings in better words; but how do I describe perfection (you & what you do) & what is in my mind, or more to the point my heart. In such a short time you have made me take a breath, not just on your table but in my life. I may not have stopped working but I’m rescheduling my 24/7 workload to allow for a break or two, in fact I called up a couple of old friends (nothing to do with work) & we are having dinner tonight. I would like to use your service as a future time out (it beats fishing).
Kind regards, T

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