Love, Eroticism & Relationship

Tantric Surfing – erotic poem

Tantric surfing

On a hot summer night, when the moon is full

And you can’t sleep, what do you do?

Toss and turn, read a book?

Masturbate or make love or have a look?

Sigh at the golden moon

Run barefoot in the grass

Feeling the cool damp air

Hearing the air conditioners whine

Smelling the freshness of night

As the stars twinkle and re-appear.

And softly with feather strokes

The hand caresses my eager skin

First hesitant and tentative

With gentle finger tips on my arms

Then firmer palm strokes

Up and down my legs and back

Circling round my buttocks

And gently stroking my hair.

Teasing my thighs

Circling my stomach

Exploring the sensitive bits under my upper arms

Awakens my senses

Inflames my desires.

Soft kisses all over my back

Trailing along my side

Deliciously stimulating my sexuality

Gently licking circles around my breasts

So that my nipples are softly sucked

Bring forth moans of pleasure.

As my body arches with need

Fingers finally find my wetness

Circling softly around my clit

With two fingers

Then up and down with three finger salute

As the juices start to run.

Rising and falling on waves of pleasure

My breath gets louder

Orgasms come and go

As my body vibrates to the rhythm

Begging for release.

on the edge

 Getting to the edge

But not going all the way over

Staying on the edge of pleasure –

Multiple orgasms

Without release

Relaxing the tension

Expanding the ecstasy

For as long as possible….

rainbow energy couple

Tantric breath sound smell

Taste and imagery

Combines with silken touch

To take me to the pinnacle

And finally over

Coasting the waves to the beach

Lying naked on the sand

Satiated my needs

For this moment.

by Ally 19 January 2014


Erotic or Kinky

What’s the difference between Erotic and Kinky?

It’s the difference between using a feather or using a whole chicken!Erotic_Vs_Kinky_Pratchett

I love this quote! I recently found out that this famous quote was made by Terry Pratchett, the author of Discworld books, plays and other amazing stories.

So what is erotic? Is it sexual, turn on, teasing, imagination, fantasy, romantic, sensual, vanilla?

And what does “kinky” conjur up for you? Is it fantasy, BDSM, fetish, hard, bondage, sensations, orgies, groups, or something else…

And where is the edge between erotic and kinky? Is it in definition? Is it a boundary? Who decides?

Does kinky spice up your ordinary sexual experience? How often do you have to do it to make it kinky? Once or many times?

Kinky Fetish Bondassage

Bondassage can be kinky. It is a sensual, edgy combination of massage, sensory deprivation and sensation play, which can be relaxing, erotic or exotic!

Tantra Pleasure Experience – Tantra Massage

A Tantra Pleasure Experience is Erotic, Sensual, connecting. Some people think Tantra is Kinky, however once you experience it, your perspective shifts. I help you experience Tantra with a massage, a sensual massage, which relaxes and invigorates you, connects you to your self, and can heal your feeling of separation from the world. So instead of a little feather, you become integrated with the whole chicken, the egg and the universe!

Book now for Tantra or Bondassage session with Ally. More info for Men Women Couples

** A couple more good quotes from Terry Pratchett below



Terry Pratchett quote about naked witches
Do witches work naked?
TerryPratchett Passion Fire
How to warm a man?

Crystal Fire striptease – erotic poem

Crystal Fire Striptease Dancer

Slowly sensuously she strips

in the setting Queensland sun

on the stage of the semi

part of the bikers weekend fun

A volunteer is needed

to rub on oil and be in the show

The Leader gets the pleasure

to massage her top to toe

She dances and struts and shimmies

To music sexy and slow

turning on these rough tough men

teasing them to want more to know

After the show is over

a request for her favour is made

but “I’d rather be your fantasy forever

than a reality that will quickly fade”.

Read more about Crystal Fire in “What Women Really Want”
ebook available now, print book available in 2016

Crystal Fire striptease Queensland
Crystal Fire striptease in Queensland

Tantric Energy Love – erotic poem

Tantric Energy

Inside is out (my body is inside out)
Outside is in (stars inside me).

Spaces in eternity

textures in energy

creative in spaces

linked by strands

moving continuously

peaceful and calm

not separate, integrated.

How to create

Convert this beingness

To tangible useful?

Using this energy

Building tiny pieces

Strengthening the strands

Tying and weaving

Fabric of stars.

Dancing together

Weaving the music

The magic of love




tantric energy stars

by Ally 2006

I wrote this poem after a very tantric love making session with a very good lover, and it is a small echo of the experience. I tried to capture the essence of the feeling in the first two lines…

tantric energy
Tantric Energy by Ally My Tantra Massage

Divine Eros

I have read a wonderful book called “The Power of Divine Eros” by A H Almaas and Karen Johnson. At the end of each chapter are questions, which I have written the answers to and share with you here:


How do I experience the selfless giving of love?

When I give people a massage or healing session, I tune into spirit, the divine eros, and open my heart to the flow of love.

I experience it like the feeling of taking someone on a journey, with the power of love, unconditional and honouring. I feel that I guide them to move out of their head into their body and experience the opening of the heart space–a Stargate which they go through or sit on the edge of pleasure, floating on waves of breath, in tune with and in control of their own energy. I feel the connection of our energy–sometimes I let a vibrate me, sometimes it turns me on, and sometimes it gives me energetic orgasms.

I give my body and spiritual energy over to this divine erotic energy and feels wonderful.

I need to be aware of my breath and my control, so that I keep the other person’s energy at all on the edge, without going over.

Sometimes when I’m not feeling 100 percent at the beginning, the healing energy coming through heals me as well and I feel relaxed and energised afterwards.

When people express themselves in moans or words, I feel great, to know I have once again been a tour guide to help them get in touch with the divine erotic energy.

How do I experience passionate wanting?

I experience passionate wanting in the moment. Often when giving a Tantra Pleasure Experience massage, I feel that I “ fall in love “ with the person. I feel very close and intimate. Sometimes I WANT to stay in the moment for ever–feeling the connection and the pleasure, the intimacy and the flow of love that seems to go both ways in a circle. And neither needs to give or receive, take or leave, not separate, just flowing in unconditional compassionate feeling. Is it love? Or divine eros? No words can really describe how I feel.

How I experience the relationship of these 2 things – Selfless Giving of love and Passionate Wanting – in my life, in my experience? 

I experience these two as a flow. As I give pleasure to someone, I feel intimate, connected to them and to the large wholeness of being. The Wanting is to merge rather than a selfish need to hold on or separate. It’s a merging into wholeness.

How do I experience the opposition, the conflict, or the disharmony between this week giving spiritual love on the one hand, and the wanting, the desire, the passion and intensity on the other?

Spiritual love is connecting, easy, flowing and sometimes Wanting is separating and pulsing, not flowing smoothly.

With a lover recently, I didn’t feel that spiritual connection. He didn’t kiss me much, and didn’t touch me much. No desire was awakened. Although my yoni was very juicy, my mind was not turned or not tuned in. It was a strange disconnected feeling, however it still worked. We made love, easily and with good connection. But without intimacy, without love. So I flowed with physical, the passion and His obvious need and desire for sex (but not desire for me). And I flowed with my body’s needs for sex, for release, for physical enjoyment. But I didn’t feel loved.

As Allan Pease says “Women give sex for love, and men give love for sex…”

What are the ways in which I experience my love for the world?

My love for the world comes with compassion, with healing, releasing as much judgment about people so that I can love them and be open for them to learn, heal, relax and surrender. To make a safe space for people to rejuvenate and feel relaxed, empowered and re-energised.

My intention is that the sacred space that I have created in my healing temple room in Adelaide and the portable healing space I create in other cities, towns, homes and rooms, is a safe secure space for people to feel at-home, so that they can release their burdens stresses, fears and anxieties; to heal their hurts and pains, and feel the free flow of the spiritual energy and the connection to the Universe/Source/God to be whole and complete.

I also experience my love for the world by healing the world one person at a time.

How do I experience my love for spiritual freedom?

My love for spiritual freedom is experienced as a light, unlimited, disembodied feeling–like dreaming, like when you first wake from sleep, like a magic orgasm, no limits, no boundaries, just ease and flow. Its like swimming with no clothes to restrict, like flying on the wings of the wind, being transported by a touch or taste or smell. It can last a few seconds, a few minutes, or be outside of time and eternal. It’s a feeling that is beyond sight, beyond words, beyond description. The words talk around it. Like clear sky–eternal and limitless, with no edges, no horizon, no beginning or end.

How do I experience the relationship between these 2 loves? My love for the world and my love for spiritual freedom.

In my Tantric practice and teaching, I am trying to give the client an experience of spiritual freedom and love and loving themselves, by taking them through their body, via breathing awareness, so that they can feel the freedom that I feel. I guide them through a series of steps that mostly gives them a spiritual experience of…

Is it tantra, Home, God, Enlightenment, source, WTF, sexual, spiritual, pleasure, bliss, euphoria or wow!?

Which leaves them often in an altered state, a different space, relaxed and energised, heavy and blissful. They are in love with themselves and feeling free…

What connects them? Me!

Ally July 2014

Divine Eros is spiritually opening my heart, mind body and soul to the flow of love.

Tantra is spiritual love

5 Most Common Regrets of the Dying

This is pure gold. Read it now, while you’re still healthy. Read it slowly.

I do not know who wrote it, however there are some things we can do now…

– – – –

For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives.

People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. I learnt never to underestimate someone’s capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal.

Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.

When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

This was the most common regret of all. When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled.

Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.

It is very important to try and honour at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.

This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship. Women also spoke of this regret.

But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.

By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do.

And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited to your new lifestyle.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming.

Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.

We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way, you win.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

Often they would not truly realise the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years.

There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.

It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away.

People do want to get their financial affairs in order if possible. But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them. They want to get things in order more for the benefit of those they love.

Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task. It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end. That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realise until the end that happiness is a choice.  They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits.

The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content.

When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.

When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.

Life is a choice. It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. 

Choose happiness.

Thank you to William for the lovely sunset photo 🙂

Love – What is it?

Unconditional love is love with no demands or requirements – love without need. Unconditional love is really the only love. Conditional love is not love.

The purest form of love is love in the present moment. It’s for Now, which is the only moment we have really.  Deep love is feeling deeply connected and united with your lover. How many other definitions of love are there?

Have you ever been so totally in the present moment that time stopped, the rest of the world ceased to exist, except for you and your lover? And you connected on all levels – physical, emotional mental and spiritual, in mutual bliss and ecstasy? Even for a moment? You felt totally at one with everything, floating freely, unencumbered by thoughts or physicality, feeling indescribably good? When you “came back” (where did you go?!) and you are in euphoric bliss, relaxed yet invigorated, happy to be SO alive!

We search outside ourselves for love, for sex, for happiness, for fulfilment, and yet when we tune in to ourselves, go into our own body – using sexual energy to direct our flow of breath, we can find a magic space, our loving place, where we can just BE ourselves. We are not human DOINGS, we are Human Be-ings!

So to love yourself unconditionally, take away all the judgement you have for yourself. See and feel your Self as a new lover experiences you – with positive flattery, loving words, special gifts, sensual touch.

  • All the things you want your lover to say – write them down, or say them to yourself out loud. Record them, or ask a friend to record them for you. Write erotic and romantic poetry – to yourself, for yourself – as your special lover read it and feel the love.
  • Go out looking for special gifts for your lover – write a list of things you would love to receive from your special lover. It can be quality time – where you just spend time together, phones off, talking, cuddling, connecting. It can be flowers, chocolates, dinner dates, house cleaning, a back scratch, a hug, an ice-cream.
  • Think about being a queen or a king for a day. What would you ask of your consort, of your servants? Food, wine, special clothes, toys, pleasure, pampering, sex or love? How DO you “spoil” yourself? How WOULD you spoil yourself?
  • Would you like to touch or be touched? A massage, sensual, pampering, erotic or sexual? Would giving or receiving provide you with more pleasure? Do you just want to hold hands, have your face stroked or your whole body pleasured by your lover, your friend or your self? A luxurious spa bath, a facial, head massage or just to be held in someone’s arms with love?

We all want to feel loved. So how do you actually feel love and loved now? Whenever you want to – just ask!  It can be family, friend, lover.

How do I ask for love? Well – it’s easy. Choose a special person and say “I would like to share some love with you. Are you willing to just sit and hold me in your arms for 10 minutes? Perhaps stroke my hair or my face gently, like you would a child” and if they want to, you can do the same for them.

Be in the moment. Ask for what you want. Breathe it in, then give some positive appreciation and thanks to them. Appreciate the person for giving you some of their time and some of their love, which you value, (or else you wouldn’t have chosen them). Thank them for their precious gift.

The flow of love is the most powerful energy – so start it flowing – smile at people, feel happy and mischievous for no particular reason, explore loving your friends and family unconditionally. Surprise them with your joy and positive encouragement so they can be inspired and pass it on to others with love.

By Ally July 2012

love heart

Erotic massage

An Erotic Massage

massage fingers

It started out Relaxation and Remedial

My back and arms, shoulders and neck

then my legs and feet gently stroking with oil

his fingers softly slipped into each crease and crevice

then my inner thighs were teased and stroked

fingers getting closer to my slit,

and then he found my clit…

He played me like an instrument  – turned me on,

Tuned me up

My back arched, as he explored what excited me most.

His probing fingers stimulated multiple orgasms

Then he finally slipped a finger into my moist pussy

pushing in and out

2 fingers, and then he found one of my G spots!

I was really moaning then….

Time stood still and turned into a forever moment.

After a long series of orgasms,

he gently slowed

brought me back to earth,

Then “Turn over”!

I realised that it was only half way!

My arms, breasts, neck and shoulders were nicely massaged

(my nipples were a bit disappointed)

Although I refused the insertion of a vibrating dildo,

his fingers at times move faster than my vibrator!!

Please stroke my yoni downwards or in circles,

he willingly obliged, sending me heavenwards in orgasm again,

my moans were higher and wilder,

I tingled down to my toes!!

I could feel my juices gushing repeatedly all over his fingers!

It took me ages before I could sit up,

another age before I could stand without wobbling

and after a glass of water, I finally felt grounded enough to leave and go home!

Sooooooooooo relaxed…..

Rose Water drop from My Tantra Massage - an erotic massage

Tantra is Sexuality and Spirituality

I used to think that sexuality and spirituality were at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Tantra brings them together. It adds another dimension to sex, changing it from a purely physical act to something beyond.

Tantra combines awareness, mindfulness, meditation – bringing trust respect and love – with the connection of breath and energy of two people.tantra couple sexuality and spirituality

Changing the scenario of one person wanting sex and the other “putting up with it” or one being hyperactive and the other too tired, using tantric awareness of breath brings  your energies into balance and harmony.

As in yoga and martial arts, body awareness is also important in tantra. Awareness of your body, whether tense or relaxed and exploring your partners body and your states of arousal are important. Knowing how to turn YOUR SELF on, with breath, physical movements and mind power means that you can control your sexuality – to turn it on or make the feelings stronger. Tantra gives you keys to do this easily.

Sounds are a simple way of communicating – breathing aloud, moaning, cooing, aums, giggling, your loving feelings to each other. Silence in sex can be frustrating, so ask your partner what they would like (before or during). Communicate what you would like to do, to receive, as you feel in the moment. Keep it positive!

Or set up a scenario – role play, dress up, act a fantasy out. It can be a surprise spontaneous by one person for the other, or a planned scene by both of you together. If you know she wants to act out “50 Shades of Grey” scenario, get some clothes and appropriate gear and surprise her. If he wants to bring in his strong Warrior identity, she can set the scene and you both unfold a co-creation together.

Start your tantric session with a short meditation, a simple dedication to each other. Use candles and incense to set the scene for spiritual tantric sexuality. Honour your partner for the goddess she is, and respect him for the wonderful loving man that he is.

One at a time, tell the other some positive things about them, how much you love them, one person speaks and the other listens. Then thank each other and say what you would like to receive in your tantric lovemaking. Then make sure you give your partner what they ask for, with love and respect.

Afterwards, when you are basking in the after glow, give positive, honest appreciations to each other. How much you enjoyed it – the expected and unexpected aspects of your lovemaking. And give thanks to the Great Spirit, to Source, or whatever name you give to that which connects us, to the Allness of Being, that joins sexual and spiritual together in us.

Tantra is an interconnected combination of sexuality and spirituality
