Men, Women & Tantra

Sex Secret – Connection

Sex Secret Connection

Both men and women tell me they haven’t had sex or made love with their spouse for 6 moths, 12 months, 2 years, 5 years…sex secret connection kissing couple

It is so sad that people who love each other and have a wonderful sex life and then something happens and it’s gone. Something kills the desire and after awhile you could feel that you don’t “need” sex or love making.

How did you reconnect and reignite that desire for your lover?

  • Go back to the beginning of relationship and talk about it.   What attracted you to your partner when you first met them? Tell them. And ask them what first attracted them to you? Talk about your first date, your first kiss, your first lovemaking. What was special?
    Why you still together?
    Rekindle that spark of love that grew into a fire and kept burning for so many years. If your children are grown up and left you need to rediscover your partner.
    Everyone goes through changes. In teenagers, testosterone and progesterone hormones are strong stimulants, however as we mature they change many peoples’ desires. And in some couples one person, usually the man, maintains a strong need for release from sexual tension.
    Women’s desires often decrease after childbirth and child care because they put so much time into mothering and nurturing.
    So how to rekindle the passion and connect with your lover?
  • Plan a date night, flirt with each other by text or phone or love notes (under her pillow, in his pocket). Give surprise gifts for no occasion.
  • Plan a “dirty weekend” away. Ask her what would she need to happen to make  love? Ask him to give you a gentle massage. Tell him how you really like to be touched, kissed, licked and stroked. Tell her and show her how you like to be stroked on your lingam – fast or slow, gentle or firm, the special sensitive spots…
  • Have some lessons in cunnilingus or Tantra or massage together.
  • Role play or dress up in a costume for your lover. Imagine you are Casanova or Marilyn Munro; Cleopatra and Antony; or porn stars – John Holmes, Debbie Does Dallas! What do you imagine they would say or do to their beloved? Talk about it with your lover. Ask if they want to do it. Ask if it turns them on more to talk about it, look at it, plan it, or to do it?!
  • Give your genitals names. Then they can have a discussion. Using this analogy of a different identity can help you express things that you wouldn’t normally say. Ask her what she wants. Ask him what are you would like to do. The answers often surprise you!

When you reconnect and reawaken that desire for your beloved – you do it deliberately. And when you do you say to each other “I’d forgotten how good it was to have sex and make love!”

That is the sex secret connection!

sex secret connection couple space

Sex Secret – size

Size – does it matter?

A lot of men worry about size. “Am I big enough?” And they think that woman want a larger size. My answer is always “Its not how big you are, its what you do with it that counts!”

Go into an adult shop. Most of the dildos and vibrators for women are average size. That’s what women want.

Think of cucumbers, fingers, bananas and other similar shaped phallic objects. Big does not mean better!

In fact, years ago I had a male friend who had a very large lingam. He told me that many women were frightened when they saw it. He was a very good lover. He took quite lot of time and effort to ensure that his lover was very relaxed before he could make love with her.

And there was another lover that thought he was too small, but his tongue more than made up for it!!!

So men, when you wish it was bigger, because you are worried about your performance, just learn how to satisfy a woman with your whole body (tongue, fingers, hands) – touching, teasing, stroking and pleasuring her all over and asking her permission (Are you ready for me?”) before you enter her.

Learn some Tantric techniques from my book “What Men and Women Really Want” about using your sexual energy to impress her and satisfy her more. Order HERE

And it’s often the size of your heart that impresses her more!!

my tantra massage - size

its not the size its what you do with it that counts

Newcastle Tantra Massage

Tantra Massage in Newcastle

Ally Tantra Massage in Newcastle

Newcastle is a quiet country town in NSW. However lots of people there like to learn about Tantra, how to control their sexual energy and relax and have more pleasure, joy and bliss.

Ally visits Newcastle regularly and provides the following services:

Newcastle Tantra Massage for Men

Choose from Lingam massage, Tantra Pleasure Experience and Tantra Massage.  Tantra Pleasure Experience is like a massage – very relaxing and energising. I also teach men how to control your erection, orgasm and ejaculation and how to move your sexual energy around your body for more control and pleasure. More information  for men about these and Newcastle Tantra Massage HERE.

Tantra Massage for Women

Women’s Sensual Massage, Yoni massage,Tantra Pleasure Experience and Tantra Massage are more about sensuality and tuning into your feminine essence. Tantra Pleasure Experience is a pampering sensual massage – very relaxing and energising, with guided meditation, breathing and Tantra techniques. Women can learn how to enhance your feminine energy and  how to move it through your body to relax and for more pleasure. There is more information about Sensual Massage, Yoni massage,Tantra Pleasure Experience and Newcastle Tantra Massage HERE.

Tantra Massage for Couples

Ally also gives Tantra sessions for couples to spice up your relationship. You have several choices

  • Buy my ebook – ‘What women Really want – 6 Tantric Sex Techniques for Men and Couples” from Amazon and study it. There are lots of good ideas on how to pleasure and massage your partner. Read and study it, then come for a Couples session.
  • Enjoy a Tantra session by yourself to learn how to control your energy with Tantric techniques and then share with your partner
  • Book a couples session, which is just the three of us: One person will be pleasured and gently massaged while the other watches and learns, then you swap over. Its a full body massage, very hands-on and informative, so you can learn new ways to pleasure each other. He can learn how to control his orgasms and ejaculation and she can learn how to move her energy through her body.
    Also I will give you some easy ways to connect, to create more intimacy, and teach you both strokes to pleasure each other more. One hour and 2 hour sessions available.
  • Couple Tantra Program for Tantric Sexual Energy Connection are multiple sessions for couples who want to learn more about Tantra.
  • I have copies of my print book “What Men and Women Really Want: 6 Tantric Love Secrets” available for sale for $20 each.

More information and testimonials HERE.


BOOK now, as Ally is in Newcastle in February 2019. And from 5 6 and 7 August 2019.

Newcastle tantra massage sunset

Tantra Massage in Melbourne

Tantra Massage in Melbournetantra massage in melbourne with ally november 2016

Melbourne has lots of people learning or wanting to learn about Tantra and Tantra Massage. I get many enquiries from my website and phone messages from people wanting to experience Tantra, to get rid of their fears and blocks; to heal their sexual shame and hurts. They want to last longer, to have more pleasure, to pleasure their partner more, or just have a relaxing sensual massage.Sex is just like breathing - Tantra massage in Melbourne with Ally

I don’t teach sexual technique. You know how to do that! I can help you enhance it, extend it, create more connection easily with your partner. I can show you how to turn her on easily. How to re-ignite the spark that you had when you were teenagers, that you seem to have lost when you became parents, and now they are independent, you want to get back. Yes, that romance, that sexual connection, tuning into your feminine and masculine essence. and that beautiful love-making. It is possible.

Sex Education

I often teach people about sexuality – What is the difference between orgasm and ejaculation? What are the differences between male and female orgasm? What are the different types of orgasm? How do I tune into my sexual energy and turn it on? How do i enhance my feminine essence? How do i have an orgasm? These are all questions I have been asked. We don’t learn about this at school, often because we don’t know the questions to ask. And often it’s because we don’t know WHO to ask! Parents, Teachers peers and elders? Who knows?

Tantra Massage for Men

For Men, there is Lingam massage, Tantra Pleasure Experience and Tantra Massage.  Tantra Pleasure Experience which is like a massage – very relaxing and energising. I also teach men how to control your erection, orgasm and ejaculation and how to move your sexual energy around your body for more control and pleasure. More information  for men about these and Tantra Massage in Melbourne HERE.

Tantra Massage for Women

Women’s Sensual Massage, Yoni massage,Tantra Pleasure Experience and Tantra Massage are more about sensuality and tuning into your feminine essence. Tantra Pleasure Experience is like a massage – very relaxing and energising, with guided meditation, breathing and Tantra techniques. Women can learn how to enhance your feminine energy and  how to move it around your body to relax and for more pleasure. There is more information about Sensual Massage, Yoni massage,Tantra Pleasure Experience and Tantra Massage in Melbourne HERE.

Tantra Massage for Couples

I also have Tantra sessions for couples. You have several choices

1. You can buy my ebook – ‘What women Really want – 6 Tantric Sex Techniques for Men and Couples” from Amazon and study it. There are lots of good ideas on how to pleasure and massage your partner. Read it in any order and study it, then come for a Couples session.
2. You could have a Tantra session by yourself to learn how to control your energy with Tantric techniques and then share with your partner
3. You can have a couples session, which is just the three of us.
One person will be pleasured and gently massaged while the other watches and learns, then you swap over. Its a full body massage, very hands-on and informative, so you can learn new ways to pleasure each other. He can learn how to control his orgasms and ejaculation and she can learn how to move her energy through her body.
Also I will give you some easy ways to connect, to create more intimacy, and also teach you both strokes to pleasure each other more. One hour and 2 hour sessions available. More information HERE.


Book now, as I am in Melbourne only on Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 November for the last time this year of 2016.

Ally tantra massage in Melbourne

Hobart Tantra Massage

Hobart Tantra massage

 On 16-18 November 2016, for the first time, I paid a visit Hobart to teach people about Tantra and give Tantra Pleasure Experience to men women and couples. Tantra Pleasure Experience is like a massage – very relaxing and energising. I also teach men how to control your sexual energy. Women can learn how to tune into your feminine energy. Education about how to move your energy around your body for more pleasure,

Hobart Tantra massage for men women couples with Ally

As I have written about in my ebook “What Women Really Want – 6 Tantric Sex Techniques for Men and Couples” (available from, there are many benefits to using Tantra techniques. Some include:

  • teasing for sensuality
  • fun with foreplay
  • connecting with breath for more intimacy
  • being present in the moment
  • how to turn your lover on with sensual touch and stroking
  • creating rapport with your lover even when one of you doesn’t feel like it
  • enhancing your feeling of love with your partner spouse or lover
  • and more.

My Tantra sessions for couples include guided visualisations and journeys through your chakras, using breath to control your energy and body, how to pleasure a woman so she is begging you for more, a journey through your senses, how to use yabyum and other Tantric techniques.

Book for Hobart Tantra Massage

Tantra massage for Men Women and Couples is available. For more information follow the links. So book your one hour, 90 minute or 2 hour Tantra Pleasure Experience, Tantra massage, Sensual massage or Tantra session now to experience Tantra or learn more about this fascinating subject HERE while Ally is in Hobart: November 16, 17 and 18, 2016 and 9-13 January 2017.

Tantra massage in Hobart with Ally

Energy – What is it?


snake-electricity-energyWe hear about Tantric energy, Kundalini energy, Shakti energy, sexual energy, feminine energy, masculine energy and solar energy.

In my experience, men readily identify with their sexual energy. It is inherent with their strength, their performance and their confidence. Men love to give pleasure to women, and they also give their energy to their work, kids, and then they get tired and burnt out because they often don’t stop to receive.

Women identify more with their feminine energy – their love, nurturing and softness. However this feminine energy can be very powerful and empowering too. It is the force that gives strength to the mother who lifts the tree/car off her child to save its life. It’s the protection she gives when her child is scared, and the pain she bears in childbirth. Often it is a woman’s inner child that needs the most love and nurturing, because she is always giving her love away.

Shiva and Shakti power

Shakti or feminine power is always moving. Like water, it finds its own level. It flows in and around things, enveloping them and cleansing them. It is based in the sacral chakra – in the pelvis and hips.

Shiva or masculine power is stationery. It can be firey energy. It’s based in the solar plexus chakra. Solar = sun. Solar energy can be very powerful or very destructive.shiva-shakti-energy

The masculine solar fire energy can heat the feminine water energy if it’s gentle. Or it can make it boil! The feminine watery energy can put out the fire if too strong, or it can gently co-exist and make delicious soup!


Kundalini is the snake-like energy that lies in the base of the spine, and can travel up the spine to the head through conscious meditation.kundalini-snake-energy-drawing

My favourite way to do this is Osho’s Kundalini meditation, which is a four part meditation – shaking, then moving, then seated and finally lying down. Once, in the seated part of the meditation, I felt an itch in my lower back. I ignored it and it went away, then it was a twitch in the middle of my back, then it moved up to my shoulder. I finally realised it was the Kundalini snake tickling and nibbling me to tell me it was moving upwards. Once aware of this energy, I could consciously move it up from my neck to Third Eye to my crown chakra and out the top of my head in a beam of light!


Often people have stuck energy – it is stale, or it can be blocked, through fear or neglect. Conscious breathing can help you get through the blockage or the fear. It helps for you to acknowledge the fear instead of resisting it…

That fear is often a fear of the unknown. I often have people come to see me for a Tantra massage and tell me they are scared or nervous. I say – “it’s just a massage, a very relaxing and energising massage!” The fear is as if they are on the edge of a cliff and they are scared of falling down. I help them rise above it, like in a helicopter, and see that it’s just a crack and that on the other side is the thing they really want – eg pleasure, release of block, happiness, empowerment, orgasm, joy and bliss. When you can feel, see or know what that is on the other side, then it’s easier to release the limiting belief, step over that unknown, to go through that transition, and unblock the energy to flow smoothly again – to step into your power and confidence.

Tantric energy

Tantric energy rises though awareness, breath, sound and body movement. It connects masculine and feminine energy in a dance of surrender and control, weaving together in unity of mind body and spirit.


Learn about Tantric energy – how to control it, how to move it around your body, how to use it to create what you wish.  Book HERE 

Yoni Pillow

Yoni Pillow is used to show anatomy of yoni (or vagina, or pussy). It is like a puppet and has pockets at back and also a pocket in the front for fingers to feel.

Ally often uses this Yoni Pillow to educate women and men about the parts of the yoni – clitoris, inner and outer labia, lips, clitoral hood, G-spot and cervix, and illustrate how and where to find them.

Yoni massage details in my book – “What Women Really Want: 6 Tantric Sex Techniques for Men and Couples” available HERE and also how to do it HERE.

yoni pillow Ally
Ally’s yoni pillow – My Tantra Massage Adelaide and Australia

Here is my Yoni Pillow – I lost it for a year or so, and finally found it yesterday!!

Ally's Yoni Pillow found 2017

Yoni Pillow availability

Available from Laura Doe HERE

Here is the product description: “Each Vulvalicious® Cushion is an anatomically accurate fabric art piece approximately 40×40 cm (16×16 inches).
The following female arousal structures are represented in a realistic tactile form: 

  • The vulva ( the inner and outer labia and clitoral hood)
  • The extended clitoris, vestibular bulbs and perineal sponge
  • The vagina, G-spot and cervix
  • The urethra, greater and lesser vestibular glands, perineum and anus.

vulvalicious yoni pillow

How a 3D clitoris will help teach French schoolchildren about sex

Paul Verlaine celebrated it in his 1889 poem Printemps as a “shining pink button”, but thanks to the sociomedical researcher Odile Fillod, French schoolchildren will now understand that it looks more like a hi-tech boomerang. Yes, the world’s first open-source, anatomically correct, printable 3D clitoris is here, and it will be used for sex education in French schools, from primary to secondary level, from September.

From Fillod’s sculpture, pupils will learn that the clitoris is made up of the same tissue as the penis. That it is divided into crura or legs, bulbs, foreskin and a head. That the only difference between a clitoris and a penis is that most of the female erectile tissue is internal – and that it’s often longer, at around 8 inches.

“It’s important that women have a mental image of what is actually happening in their body when they’re stimulated,” Paris-based Fillod says. “In understanding the key role of the clitoris, a woman can stop feeling shame, or [that she’s] abnormal if penile-vaginal intercourse doesn’t do the trick for her – given the anatomical data, that is the case for most women.”

“It’s also vital to know that the equivalent of a penis in a woman is not a vagina, it’s her clitoris. Women get erections when they’re excited, only you can’t see them because most of the clitoris is internal. I wanted to show that men and women are not fundamentally different.”

3D clitoris – my tantra massage

Fillod had been working with Toulouse-based V.Ideaux, creators of an anti-sexist web TV series, to create a modern sex education video when it struck her that the clitoris was never presented correctly in school textbooks. This catalysed her to develop her 3D model at the Fab Lab, of the Cité des Sciences et de L’Industrie in Paris.

Fillod’s 3D clit has come in the nick of time. This June, Haut Conseil à l’Egalité, a government body monitoring gender equality in public life, published a damning report on the state of sex ed in France. The report revealed that sex education is rife with sexism. Current official guidelines state that young boys are more “focused on genital sexuality”, while girls “attach more importance to love”.

Clitoris activism is hot in France right now. The feminist group Osez Le Féminisme has been vocal in combatting the silence around it since 2011. While in Nice, a group of sex-positive feminists, Les Infemmes, has created a “sensual counter culture” fanzine called L’Antisèche du Clito or The Idiot’s Guide to the Clit. There are funny drawings of “Punk Clit,” “Dracula Clit” and “Freud Clit”, as well as facts about the organ.

Meanwhile, jeweller Anne Larue has created a bronze clitoris pendant in conjunction with Les Infemmes artist Amandine Brûlée. “The clitoris has been the hidden, shameful organ for so long,” says Larue. “My necklace brings it to the light of day.” She reassures that the more timorous should not be worried about wearing it: “For the uninitiated, it looks like an octopus or a neolithic goddess.”

The Australian doctor Helen O’Connell is often credited as being the first person to show the complete anatomy of the clitoris to the modern world in 1998. In fact that achievement belongs to LA-based activist-artist Suzann Gage, who realised, while looking for images of the clitoris to illustrate a book called A New View of a Woman’s Body in 1981, that her best information came from medical textbooks of the 1800s – when anatomical drawings were done from cadavers. So images of the clitoris might have existed for a long time but, on realising that it played no direct part in reproduction, the medical profession chose to ignore it.

Fillod has hopes that doctors as well as school teachers, will use her sculpture to learn – and teach – the truth about the female body. “France has the reputation for being sexually sophisticated, but often it’s about male sexuality.” However, she is optimistic about the future. “Understanding that they have an erectile system just like men, I think women will start to experiment more. They will understand that pleasure is not some magic that only a partner knows how to give.” END

I hope this education becomes available in Australia and New Zealand schools also.

Yoni diagrams

Yoni pillow illustrates these parts of woman anatomy:

WWRW MTM 01 female clit legs WWRW MTM illustration 05 side view clit

The Magic of Breathing

Conscious Breathing is a good skill to have. Awareness of your breathing helps you control your state of mind, release anxiety, and tune in to your body.
If you don’t breathe, you die!


just breathe - conscious breathing - my Tantra massagePranayama is a Sanskrit word meaning “breath control.” The word is composed from two Sanskrit words: prana meaning life force (noted particularly as the breath), and either yama (to restrain or control the prana, implying a set of breathing techniques where the breath is intentionally altered in order to produce specific results) or the negative form ayāma, meaning to extend or draw out (as in extension of the life force). It is a yogic discipline with origins in ancient India. (Wikipedia)

As you become aware of your breathing, you can “play” with it:

  • Colour your breath – imagine your breath is coloured, coming into your body through your nose, down into your lungs, circulating through your body and going out through your mouth
  • Count your breath – breathe in for 3 counts, hold for 3 counts, exhale for 3 counts. And vary it for longer or shorter
  • See your breath – imagine the rainbow colours of your chakras as you breathe in and upwards through each of them and see the colour go out of the Crown Chakra at the top of your head
  • Feel your breath on your lips and nose as you breathe in and out
  • Hear your breath – make a sound when breathing out – a sigh, a moan, om or a hum. Or repeat an affirmation (I love myself) or mantra (Om mane padme hum)
  • Control your breath – both holding your breath in and holding it when breathing out.

Conscious Breathing – exercise

Moving energy around your body with your breath and awareness is the most important part of Tantra and control. Take this exercise nice and slow, allowing yourself to breathe in and out a few times at each stage. Be careful not to strain. If you feel dizzy or light-headed, just breathe normally for a while.

  • Start by becoming aware of your breath, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Feel the gentle touch of your breath on your lips, and the tip of your nose, as you breathe in and out.
  • Taste the air on your tongue when you exhale through your mouth
  • Tune into the feeling of the inside of your nose as you breathe in – the hairs, the space, and your nostrils.
  • Let your breath become deeper, and begin to allow yourself to make a sound as you breath out. Vary the exhaled sound, eg ‘aah’, ‘mmm’ or ‘um’, louder or softer, sweeter or growlier!
  • Imagine that you are breathing in to your genitals and breathe out towards your fingers and toes.
  • As you inhale, feel fresh new energy coming into your body. As you exhale, imagine you are releasing old energy, thoughts and worries.
  • Experiment with holding your breath after you breathe in, eg inhale to a count of three, hold for three, exhale for three. As long as you keep it flowing.

a kiss and breathing can unite unite 2 souls

MTM April Newsletter 2016


I will be in Sydney from 23-25 May, Melbourne from 13-15 June. I’m also planning to visit Newcastle in July, Brisbane in August, Perth in September and Canberra in October. Check my Schedule page for definite dates.


My Mum died on 17 March. Although I haven’t spent much time with her physically for many years, I used to ring her often. My grief is that I cannot ring and talk to her, or hug her, or be comforted by her, as I was when I was a child. And although I know that spiritually she is still around, the finality that her words of love and wisdom will never be heard again is the sad part for me. I recently saw this quote which sums it up “Grief never ends … but it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love.”
On holiday by the sea on Anzac Weekend, I was inspired to create a new Playshop series – “How to be a Better Lover” which I will be presenting in Adelaide in May. Let me know if you want to experience this in your city. More details HERE
For ideas for Mothers Day, see Specials – powder pink Bliss Balls – under Products of the Month.


Gift Vouchers for Mothers Day – Show your love and Pamper her with a Sensual massage – see Booking Page
Bliss Balls for Mothers Day – the ultimate pleasuring item – furry and fluffy sensual mittens which fit all size hands. Get one for $15 or 2 for $20 – available in nearly all colours of the rainbow.
Super furry Bliss Balls now available – to tease and tantalise your partner for her sensual pampering massage Foxy, Panther, Purple – $29 each.
Special on powder pink Bliss Balls – 2 for $10 – only 6 available!
More information about Bliss Ball mittens HERE

  • Better Lover Playshops – How to be a Better Lover – a series of 3 Playshops for Couples, Men and Women in Adelaide 14, 16, 18 May. Learn how to create intimacy, the art of kissing, watch demos of how to tease and please your partner. Read more HERE
  • Jill in Perth In Perth, a session with Jill is Tantric pleasure with fine music, fabrics and oils while learning the techniques of tantric breath to take that pleasure through your whole body.
  • Shakti’s Cave – Part 3 read more about Shakti and Shiva’s union
  • Sacred Tantra Massage for Men and Women – New sensual lingam or yoni massage experience
  • Indian Tantra – What is it? About Shiva and Shakti the male and female essence


Treat her as a goddess, by feeding her orgasm-inspiring chocolate.

Workshops and Playshops and Womens Group

Tantra Practice Playshop for Couples – Saturday 21 May in Adelaide
Expand your tantric knowledge and Tantra practice
Have fun doing Tantra exercises with different people
Practise how to move your sexual energy through your body
Learn how to connect with your self (spiritual), your body, and others
How to create and improve intimacy
Easily learn about how to set boundaries
Enjoy safe loving consensual touch
Expand your spiritual energy with sensual awareness
For open-minded couples, men and women to learn and practise Tantra and other sacred sexuality practices and have fun in a safe sacred space that’s playful gentle healing and respectful.
You will be guided through tantric exercises, meditation, body work, touch, energy movement, breath, dancing, massage.

Preferably you need to have experienced a Tantra massage or Tantra Pleasure Experience with Ally to attend. Or a brief phone conversation to introduce yourself so I know what your level of Tantra experience is.
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL, preferably by email, as numbers are limited. Your booking will be confirmed.
More information HERE

Women’s Group Adelaide

Dear Sister
I want to welcome you into an amazing temple…
In a circle of women we are exploring a sacred and real way of gathering together, being in “the temple of feminine flow”. Here we tapping the space of No-mind through connecting with our own bodies and each other, a truly nourishing space to melt into for the feminine heart. Together we are creating a feminine oasis where we can let go into the flow happening deeper than our personal stories… worshipping each other as divinity in form.
In December 2015, I experienced a Women’s Weekend in Brisbane with Chameli Ardagh from Awakening Women. As a result I was inspired to start a Women’s Temple in Adelaide, as there isn’t one here. We will follow the Womens Temple guidelines, using the Temple Group Manual.
I will be your ‘Temple Mama’, facilitating a safe and juicy space for us all to expand and express the full spectrum of our feminine gifts, but we also co-create as we go.
We gather in Unley, Adelaide from 6.30pm to 9pm on third Wednesday of each month.
Please email me if you want to come and feel other women and yourself as radiant divine essence, in a vibrantly alive body.
The temple door is open…
For more information about these worldwide groups, see the webpage

Womens Temple

Autumn leaves are falling in Adelaide in April, so winter is coming…. Have a wonderful month

Ally Adelaide April MTM News
Ally Adelaide

Feminine Power

Kuan Yin, Durga and the Dragon are symbols of Feminine Power

Feminine power is symbolised by goddesses in many religions legends and native stories and belief systems. I find similarities between Kuan Yin, Durga and Dragons.

  • Kuan Yin

I love Quan Yin, Goddess of Compassion and Mercy. I have always identified with her. Here is a photo of my beautiful Quan Yin statue

Feminine Power - Kwan Yin statue
Kuan Yin statue

I used to see statues and pictures of Kuan Yin sitting or standing still. She was always just THERE in the same place, not moving.

Kwan Yin seated
Kwan Yin seated

And in 2015 Janet Schwarz Introduced me to Kuan Yin riding a dragon through the water – the movement is powerful, the movement is fluid, like feminine energy.

Feminine Power - Kwan Yin riding the dragon in the water
Kwan Yin riding the dragon in the water
  • Durga

And also I learnt about Durga in a workshop in Brisbane in December last year with Chameli, of Awakening Women – she is dark skinned and rides a tiger, she is multi-tasking with all her arms holding symbols of power.

Feminine Power - Durga riding the tiger
Durga riding the tiger

She does not fight the beast, she rides its powerful energy, seemingly without reins or control, balancing gracefully on its back.  Durga comes with joy cos she knows why she’s here and knows her strong power. She is the marriage of love and truth and she won’t compromise. The key to Feminine Power is to ride the energy and direct it, not force it or give it up. It is not static or stationary, it is always moving, like a wave… flowing like water … so float with it, don’t resist it or try to swim against the current, just ride it on your surfboard, hanging ten, on the edge of the wave, for as long as you want to… Enjoy!

  • Dragons

Dragons also symbolise feminine power. They are powerful, breathe fire, often can fly, have clear vision and often can see all around themselves, have huge mouths and teeth and when they talk they can be fierce, like Kali, courageous like Durga or wise like Kuan Yin. It’s all the things that men often fear about women – the wild untamed energy, the raw sexual energy of their yoni, the strong, sometimes cruel, sometimes kind, words that come out of their mouths, the mysterious feminine essence and the power of nurturing a baby inside their body for 9 months. Recently in “Game of Thrones”, we have heard about Kalise, the “Mother of Dragons” Feminine Power - Kalise mother of dragons

So Kuan Yin rides the Dragon, on top of the water, symbolising her power over earth, water and nature – the spiritual power of unconditional love. True Power comes from love, compassion and nature. It’s a power which can be used for the greater good. Durga rides the Tiger or Lion, to show her courage.

Here is Kuan Yin and the Dragon – the two parts of the feminine energy – beauty, softness and love; wild, uncontrollable and powerful. The yin and yang of woman, the balance that we all wish for.

Feminine Power - Kuan-yin & dragon

During my research about Kuan Yin I learnt that “It is interesting that as we go deeper into this story, Her story, we find the word Ku coming up more often: Hunab Ku, Kukulkan, Bolon Yokte Ku and now Kuan Yin. This is of course no accident but takes us back into the sacred female element as we will see, from the deregotary word for ‘cunt’ we move back to Ku as germanic root word for a hollow place, and we find that Ku at root suggets the essence of the feminine power – the womb and the source of the kundalini fiery serpent-dragon that may be taught to rise from the lower body where it is at home. So we find the Milky Way serpent dragon exists in the human body too!” (from

Here is a prayer from Kuan Yin

May the peace of God be upon this household.
May the love of God be in your hearts.
May the light of God be in your souls.
May the wisdom of God be in your minds.
May the virtue and purity of God be in your feelings.
May the strength and vitality of God be among the members of your household.
May the health and well being of God be manifest through the bodies, the garments which you wear.
May the grace of God be in your worship.
May the talents and genius of God be manifest through your senses.
May the fullness of the victory of your own God plan be manifest through your souls and the close of your earth life! 

(As said by Kuan Yin)

Feminine Power - Kuan yin on green dragon with legs
Kuan Yin on green dragon
ShangriLa Kwan Yin painting 2012
Kuan Yin painting in Bali