A paperback book by Ally Thomas
“What Men and Women Really Want – 6 Tantric Love Secrets” is the updated print version of my e-book “What Men and Women Really Want – 6 Tantric Sex Techniques”.
Published in 2017, it contains photos, diagrams, a comprehensive Glossary and lots of practical ideas to inspire you to take your lover to new heights of pleasure and love.
What Does Every Man and Woman Want?!
♦ How to relax and pleasure your lover with sensual massage techniques – and have him/her begging you for more…
♦ How to connect at a deeper level with each other and pleasure your lover more – the secret that every passionate couple wants to know
♦ How to transform intimacy with your lover to another level with these six tantric secrets
My experience of Tantra is that it unites the physical and the spiritual, joining awareness with breath, to balance and harmonise my masculine and feminine energies and enable me to experience unlimited joy and bliss.
A teaser for you is an excerpt from Chapter 1 – see my blog “Crystal Fire – the biggest strip tease!” HERE
It is A5 size – ideal for reading anywhere, any time. You can read the chapters in any order.
Reviews for “What Men and Women Really Want”
“Easy to read and simple to follow, this book is filled with practical ideas and techniques. Recommended as a great introduction to Tantra and a practical guide to exploring your own pleasure and expressing/sharing this with your partner.” Jen Marr
“Ally’s book is packed with great secrets that women really want their lovers not only to know about, but importantly, do, in bed.” Diane Riley author of “Sexy and Sacred”
“Simple, clear, easy, and very helpful. I really enjoyed reading this! It offers many wonderful suggestions to improve the quality of our connections. Highly recommended.” by Ed Love
“I’m enjoying reading your book and resonate to many of your core values. My old patterns coming up, becoming conscious and releasing. Coming out of that space now and into clarity, and reading your book has helped.
It’s great to read more of your story – the life you have lived, the things you have learned, and the way you are sharing it with others. Amazing! You’ve always been right out there pushing the boundaries and inviting others to enjoy the new space. I also feel strongly that the libido needs to be freed, socially and individually, especially in the christian west.” Neville Hyde
For more information: see Ally’s AUTHOR page on her website.
ISBN: 0-9946228-1-3
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