What do women want?
Alan Pease said “Men give love to get sex and women give sex to get love” Or is it the other way around? What do women really want?
Many men tell me they would like to “understand” women, how to please them, pleasure them and “make” them orgasm and enjoy sex.
Women often just need to feel loved – in many different ways – by words (I love you), touch and stroking, gifts (chocolate, jewellery, flowers, being pampered), quality time (going out to dinner or a show) or being of service (good surprises or doing special unexpected things that they like).
Women show their love to a man by preparing good food, doing housework, creating beauty and harmony.
Honesty and trust are important to both sides of a relationship, to enhance your love. Forgiveness is an important aspect of a loving relationship.

It’s all about loving her like a goddess
Jaded by men who had deceived me, one day I met a sexy Scorpio woman at a spiritual meditation group in Sydney. She invited me to see ‘The Vagina Monologues’ with her and afterwards she invited me to her place ‘for coffee’. We enjoyed a nine-month relationship together, during which I learned many things about a woman’s changeable mood and shifting feelings, both physical and mental. I learned, explored and discovered many different ways of pleasuring a woman, such as gently scratching her back, nibbling her neck and treating her like a goddess.
Women love to be romanced, handled as gently as the petals on the roses you give them. She loves to be honoured as a goddess – some examples are gifts, dinner, dancing, asking permission, stroking gently with feathers as well as wild passionate sex!
What drives her crazy with desire one night may be ineffective the next night, so you need to learn lots of different ways to please her! If all else fails, just ASK her what she wants! It’s SO much easier than trying to guess.
Learning about and loving her anatomy
Yonis are like precious flowers. They need to be handled gently as they can be as fragile as the woman who owns them. They are beautiful and need to be adored. They are powerful and need to be respected. They are unique and need to be desired.

Too often we make love in the dark and don’t look at each other’s genitals. It’s a wonderful experience to explore another person’s body with soft lighting and look at their genitals with respect, wonder and awe. What an amazing creation!
What is making love? It’s what a woman does when a man is bonking her…
Allan Pease
The Ultimate Pleasure
What do women want? They want to be teased; to be breathed; to be respected in this present moment of now; to be touched, stroked, tickled, held and made love to, sometimes slowly and gently, sometimes hard and fast; and to have connection, rapport and intimacy. They want to feel safe to be vulnerable.
What do women really want? Amore, more love, that sweet euphoria, the indefinable feeling of union with her lover, her mate, her soul and the divine. To be cherished and cared for, protected, pampered and loved – physically, mentally and spiritually, body, mind and soul – totally.
What does your lover want? Do you really know? If you do know exactly how to pleasure her, is there more you can learn? Does she even know all the ways she likes to be pleasured?
Do you still want to make love no matter how long you’ve known each other? Do you want to try something different? If you want to deepen your relationship or re-ignite the spark, Tantra is a wonderful way to do it!
This was taken from my ebook “What Women Really Want”
My book “What Women Really Want” is now available from Amazon HERE
Contact Ally for more information about Tantra

Your soul is so close to mine – that what you dream, I know – I know everything you think of – your heart is so close to mine. Rumi